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Learn more about our Nursing Home & Hospital Management System
NHMS is device responsive and is accessible in devices such as desktops, laptops and smartphones. Manage appointments efficiently with dedicated appointment and calendar module. It is easy to create patients, set appointments, and visits. Capture their vitals and diagnostic remarks. Capture every detail such as vitals, illness, advise patients to take lab tests, SMS prescriptions and raise bills in a single screen. Control who can access modules within the application with easy access control management module.
Managing the in-house bio lab is easy now with the option to enter the report parameter, take report prints and issue invoices for the tests. Create health certificates such as fitness certificate, medical certificate, and death certificate with comprehensive certificate module. It is now easy to create departments, employees, mark attendance, deduction, perks and create payroll in a click of the button. Get best-in-class reports that help top-level management arrive at the decisions with ease and backed by factual data.
Appointment Management
This section deal with the creating of new appointments of the patient and it also listed in a separate section named as Appointment List. We can schedule the future appointments in the calendar feature.
- Select Patient or Add New
- Select Date and Time
- Select Doctor
- Select Entity
- Select Appointment Status
- Add Remarks

Patient Management
In this module, we can check out the approved appointments of the patient in the form as a patient list. Here we can specifically add the Patient Demographic Data. We also have a patient viewing section in which we can add the Patient vitals, Medical Info, Prescription details, Lab testing details, and charges can be added in the module. In the prescription details, we can provide the Doctor’s Reference name (If Any), Drug Name, Number of sessions, Before or After Food, Number of Days, and Instructions. There is a unique feature where we can reciprocate the last visit prescription.
- Add Patient Details
- View Patient Details
- Add Patient Visit
- Add Patient Vitals
- Add Patient Diagnosis
- Add Prescription Details
- Add Lab Requests
- Add Billing
Lab Management
The Doctor can add the laboratory tests needed and direct the lab testing requirements through a notification from the patient section. These details can be added in the prescription too. Laboratory reports can be generated and printed from the laboratory section. Data is recorded in the laboratory section for each patient and the tests they have undergone and can be validated by the Doctor.
- Add Lab Tests
- Add Parameter Values
- Add Billing for Lab Tests
- Print Lab Report
- View Lab Report PDF
- Create Lab Requests

Certificate Management
It is easy to take print outs of the patient's prescriptions from the patient list section. Certificates such as Fitness, Medical and Death certificate can be created and printed. Verification and log of the list of certificates are easy by checking the Certificate List section before printing
- Take Prescription Print
- Create Medical Certificate
- Create Fitness Certificate
- Create Death Certificate
- View Certificate PDF
- Maintain log of Certificate
Finance Management
The finance management system deals with the billing of patients. Moreover, it has a screen to add the incomes and expenses of the particular entity. Doctors or Admin Staffs generate OP billing from the patient visit section, and Lab Technician generates Lab bills from the lab report section. Accounts team can check overall billing in bill list page and its easy to record the payment in parts or full. Feature to generate reports on day-wise collections.
- Bill List
- Record Payment Full / Part
- Bill PDF / Print
- Record Expense
- Record Income
- Finance Reports

Human Resource Management
The human resource management section consists of employee details and their respective payrolls. In this section, we can update the new employee and their payroll slabs details. After the update, they are listed accordingly in their separate units in a detailed manner. User management system provided as per the requirements of the entity, and we can assign their roles through this section.
- Add Employee
- Add Payroll Slab
- Assign Payroll Slab
- Add Deduction / Perks
- Add Attendance
- Generate Payroll
Master Data Management
In this section, it is easy to manage the Nursing Home's master data such as the list of doctors, the list of drugs, list of charges, list of medical conditions. These records will enable the doctors and admin staffs to add the records easily from the database.
- Add Doctor
- View Doctor
- Add Drugs
- View Drugs
- Add Medical Conditions
- View Medical Conditions

The reports section helps the entity to get a detailed report of the patients, incomes, and expenses. The data recorded by the entity can be downloaded monthly as per the requirement in an excel spreadsheet format.
- Generate Patient Report
- Generate Income Report
- Generate Expense Report
- Download Patient Report
- Download Income Report
- Download Expense Report