What is SSL/TLS and why it’s important for your website?
What is SSL?
SSL is the acronym of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and TLS is the acronym for Transport Layer Security. SSL/TLS is a web protocol for getting information transferred between a client’s browser and the site they are visiting. SSL is depreciated in the year 1999 post the release of TLS 1.0, it is common to denote these protocols as SSL even these days. The most recent version of TLS is TLS 1.3 released in August 2018.
SSL/TLS works by binding the websites and organizations to cryptographic key-value pair by means of digital records known as X.509 certificates. Each key pair comprises a private key and a public key. The private key is kept safe, and the public key can be generally conveyed through an endorsement.
If the website has a valid SSL/TLS it is indicated with the padlock symbol in green or grey colour along with the details based on the SSL/TLS certificate and plans. If the website does not have an SSL/TLS installed it will be denoted as crossed padlock in modern web browsers. Furthermore, a modern web browser also prompts the user that the website is not secure.

Why SSL/TLS is important?
SSL/TLS converts HTTP:// to HTTPS:// . SSL/TLS provides encryption for our website. Following are the main advantages of having SSL/TLS for your website.
- 1. Credibility: The server introducing the endorsement is in control of the private key that coordinates with the public key in the certificate.
- 2. Trustworthiness: Documents endorsed by the certificate (for example web pages) has not been adjusted on the way by a man in the middle.
- 3. Encryption: Interchanges between the client and the server are encrypted.
- 4. Google considers SSL: HTTPS has been an affirmed Google ranking element since 2014, so getting the help of a little ranking boost is a valid justification for getting SSL
Installing SSL Certificates on your website
There are several SSL/TLS certificates providers and comes with various price ranges. SSL/TLS price has ranged from $200+ to free. Certain hosting providers offer free SSL/TLS certificates along with their hosting plan. You can check out https://letsencrypt.org/ which offers free SSL/TLS certificates. If you opt for Hosting with SSL/TLS plans it is easy to install the SSL/TLS in your domain by taking the support of your Hosting Provider. If you want to install free SSL from Lets Encrypt, you must have the knowledge and know-how on SSH through which you can install free SSL/TLS.
Do you want to install SSL/TLS for your website?
Feel free to contact us.
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